onWater and NRS Announce Collaboration

Moscow, Idaho and Boulder, Colorado — Northwest River Supplies (NRS), the world’s leading supplier of equipment and apparel for water recreation, safety and rescue and onWater, the most innovative water recreation GPS navigation and mapping app, are launching a collaboration to bring exciting new tools and technology to river runners and anglers. onWater provides detailed information on thousands of [...]

onWater’s Shalon Hastings to Present at the Fly Fishers International Virtual Expo

This coming weekend, November 4-6th, Fly Fishers International will be hosting their virtual expo, and this year onWater is happy to announce that our very own Shalon Hastings will be hosting a seminar: Fishing out of Your Comfort Zone. Shalon has years of experience as a fly angler and guide in Montana, and will give [...]

Enter the #FaiIOnTheFly Contest and Win

Fly fishing and failures go hand-in-hand, and we want to see some of your best. Enter the #FaiIOnTheFly Contest and win one of several gift cards, a fly rod, fly lines, and more. Share your greatest fishing fails on the gram to be entered for your chance to win an awesome prize package including a [...]

Colorado’s State Fish Swims Back From Brink of Extinction

Some encouraging news for anglers in Colorado: populations of the state fish swim back from brink of extinction. From the article on CNN: The greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado’s state fish, was declared extinct over 50 years ago. But last week officials found the first confirmation that the trout are once again reproducing in the wild. [...]

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